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Becoming a Patient

At Shriners Children's We Support Families by Providing Access to Quality Care

Shriners Children’s is committed to providing innovative and compassionate care to children. In order to qualify for care, your child must be younger than age 18 when their care plan begins and have a condition that we treat. We have facilities throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as a number of outreach clinics internationally. As part of our commitment to families and children, we also welcome patients from anywhere in the world.

Our team of highly qualified specialists is here for you. When you put your trust in us to provide treatment for your child, our focus will be on achieving the most positive and significant long-term outcome for them.

If your child has a condition that we specialize in, we would be happy to work with you to get started on a care plan for them.

If you would like to consult with our specialists regarding your child’s condition, you can contact us directly to request an appointment. Your physician can also provide a direct referral. For physician referrals, please visit our patient referrals and transfers page.

Acceptance is based solely on a child’s medical needs, regardless of their family's ability to pay or their insurance status.

Information Required for New Patients

If you would like to bring your child to Shriners Children's for an evaluation and/or care, please contact their physician about initiating a referral. If you do not have a referral, you can contact us directly at 800-237-5055 in the U.S., or 800-361-7256 in Canada to speak with one of our intake coordinators.

During this call, we will collect some basic information from you to determine if your child’s condition is one that would benefit from treatment at one of our locations.

For all new referrals, we will ask you for the following:

  • Referring physician name and contact information
  • Child's full name
  • Child's date of birth
  • Child's home address
  • Contact name(s) of child's parent(s) or guardian(s)
  • Contact phone number(s) of child's parent(s) or guardian(s)
  • Information related to your child's condition
  • Your child's diagnosis and treatment recommendations
  • Any medical records related to your child's condition
  • Insurance information (if applicable)

Physicians Referring New Patients

If you are a physician with a patient who you think can benefit from care at Shriners Children's, please contact us at 800-237-5055 in the U.S., or 800-361-7256 in Canada. You will be connected to one of our intake coordinators. Please have your patient's information ready.

Physicians can also submit their patient's information online through our Refer a Patient form.

Patients Accepted for Care

Once one of our intake coordinators has reviewed your child's information and determines that your child's condition is one within our scope of care, you will receive a packet of information by email or mail that may include the following items.

  • A letter with the location, date and time of your child's first appointment
  • The name and phone number of your Shriners Children's care manager
  • Pre-registration forms
  • A checklist of things to bring to your child's first visit
  • A map and directions to the hospital

The method of delivery and packet contents will vary by location.

Patients we are Unable to Accept for Care

If one of our intake coordinators has reviewed your child's information and determined that our options and services will not meet your child's care needs, they will contact you directly. If they are unable to reach you by telephone, you will receive a letter in the mail.

We Understand the Unique Medical Needs of Children

We provide vital, pioneering treatment from birth to age 18. Here, children have the opportunity to be evaluated and treated by doctors recognized as the best by their peers.