Communicating With Your Care Team

Communicating With Your Care Team
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The next section is the Appointments Section. This has two subfolders, one to view upcoming appointments, and the other is to request a new appointment.
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In the View Upcoming Appointment section, you'll be able to see any future appointments that are scheduled for the patient. You'll be able to tell what type of appointment it is. What time that appointment is for. Whether or not it has a clipboard associated to it or a questionnaire. What patient it's for, what facility or Shriners Hospital it's for.
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From that appointment, you'll be able to select the Options button and you can add it to your calendar, view additional details, request to reschedule this appointment or request to cancel this appointment.
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To reschedule the appointment click on the Reschedule option. It will open up a form for you to complete and fill out. Select a facility that you're associated with. If you have a preferred provider you can enter that information in this box. Select when you would like to visit, the choices are the first available, or you can select a date range.
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Selecting First Available will allow the staff to automatically assign you to that first available time slot. Selecting a date range allows you to enter a start date and an end date. You can also select which day that you prefer. Please remember, Shriner's appointment hours are typically Monday through Friday only. You can type in your preferred time and why are you requesting to reschedule?
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In addition, you'll need to select how you want to be notified, whether it's by secure message, which would be an email back to the portal email, or by telephone. If you choose by phone, you'll need to enter the area code and the phone number that you can be reached at.
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Once this information is completed you can select Send Request. That sent message will appear in your message center sent box. And if the staff reviewing that request have any additional information, they will contact you either by secure message or by phone.
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The other option that is available with regards to existing appointment is to cancel this appointment. If you need to cancel an existing appointment, select the Options button and select Cancel. In this particular example, you'll see that this is a surgical appointment and you are not allowed to cancel surgical appointments through this request. You would need to call that facility to contact them to let them know you need to cancel.
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If it's not a surgical appointment then you'd be able to complete the form by first selecting the facility that the appointment is scheduled for, and then typing in as much information as you can with regards to why you need to cancel.
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Once again, you'll need to select how you want to be notified in case there are additional questions, whether that be by secure message, which is a message to the inbox of the patient's portal or by telephone and include the area code and the phone number, and then select Send Request. Once that appointment has been canceled, it will be removed from the appointment list.
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To request a new appointment that is not already on the list select Request Appointment. Again, indicate the patient that this appointment is for. Select the facility where this appointment is to take place. Tell us whether you have a preferred provider. When you would like to visit, whether it's first available or date range. Which day you prefer, once again, remember that Shriners Hospital for Children typically operates Monday through Friday. Select your preferred time and provide as much detail as you can regarding why the appointment is needed so that we can ensure that the appropriate staff and resources are available when the patient arrives. Once again, you'll need to select whether you want to be notified by a secure message or by telephone and choose, Send Request.
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Any additional information regarding the appointments for these requests will be available in the gray information boxes. Please note, for requesting an appointment we have a two-day business turn-around time. And also, if there are appointments for the orthotics or prosthetics department, those are handled separately and you'll need to contact that department directly.
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The Messaging Section includes an inbox, a sent folder, and a trash folder. This works similar to outlook messaging or emails that you may receive on your phone.
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The inbox section is used to send and receive messages from Shriners Hospitals for Children. From the inbox, you'll be able to send a message or view messages that have been sent to you. These could include clipboard or questionnaire notifications which will be discussed further in the next video, or it may be related to a funding request or a medical request.
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We'll come back to sending a message in just a moment. The Sent Folder is where messages that you have sent out are stored and they're kept in this folder until they're deleted. The Trash Folder is a temporary storage place for messages that have been deleted from the sent box or the inbox, they will remain in the trash folder until such time as you decide to delete them permanently.
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So let's go back to the Inbox. This is where you'll be able to create and send a message. One method for doing this is to submit a request for a medical record release. So to do that you will click Send a Message. And once that New Message box opens you select the patient that this is related to. If you're only associated to one patient, then only one name would display.
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Once that is finished, you'll see that it says Medical Record Request. Right now this is the only option available from the message center to send out. Once future functionality is added there may be additional options in that dropdown. From the subject, click on it, the box, and you'll see Request for Medical Records. You'll need to select this option.
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Once you're done with that type in the message that you'd like to send to the medical records department letting them know as much information about the content that you wish to receive.
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Once that's done, you can click on the Send button. Once you send that message, you'll be able to see it in the Sent folder. That message will route to the Shriners Hospital for Children health information management or medical records department and they will work on filling your request. If they have any additional questions for you they'll be able to send an email back and let you know what additional information that they need.