External Fixator Exercises: Hamstring Stretch

External Fixator Exercises: Hamstring Stretch
Speaker 1:
The hamstring stretch is performed in order to prevent excessive tightening of the long muscles on the back of the thigh. There are several methods to stretch the hamstrings. We will demonstrate the 90/90 stretch and the long sit stretch. Your child's PTA will provide guidance regarding the best option for him or her.
To perform the 90/90 stretch, have your child lie on his or her back. Help your child lift the leg into a chair position with the hip and knee both bent to 90 degrees. Hold the thigh in place with one hand. With the other hand, gently lift the external fixator upward to begin straightening the knee just until a stretch is felt on the back of the thigh. The hip should remain flexed at 90 degrees throughout the stretch. The opposite leg should remain flat on the bed. Hold the position between 10 and 20 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Your child's PT will provide individualized instructions and will work with you and your child to minimize discomfort during stretches.
The long sit stretch is a positional stretch. Have your child sit upright on a bed or floor with knees straight and back against a wall or headboard. Keep knees straight while scooting his or her bottom as close to the wall as possible until a stretch is felt on the back of the thighs. Do not let the knees roll outward. If necessary, a sheet may be tied around the thighs to prevent the knees from rolling outward. A small folded blanket or towel may be used to cushion the back. Avoid using pillows. Maintain this position for 10 to 15 minutes while reading or performing another activity.