Holiday Highlights: Shriners Children's Celebrates the Season
Thank you to El Bekal Shriners, El Tanya LOSNA and Long Beach Chapter Eastern Star donations of toys for patients! Pictured: Shriners and volunteers with toy donations.
It's officially the New Year! Before we say goodbye to 2023, let's take a look back at all the festive fun our families had during the holiday season.
With Santa visits, toy deliveries, cookies, hot cocoa and more, patients enjoyed celebrating the season thanks to the extra efforts of our staff members, who wanted every child’s holiday to be as bright as it could possibly be. Included below are a handful of moments that will be sure to make you smile as big as our patients did!
- Patients from Shriners Children’s Texas had the chance to select a decorated tree for their rooms at the first annual Helping Hands Christmas tree farm. Trees were decorated by students from Brazoswood High School and Psalm91 Ministries.
- The Pediatric Orthotic and Prosthetic Services (POPS) team at Shriners Children’s Erie used their expertise for a new spin on holiday décor. Move over leg lamp …. we have a leg tree in the house!
- For the 44th year, the A.B.A.T.E. Toy Run returned to Shriners Children's Portland to bring toys and holiday cheer to patients. In early December, hundreds of bikers from A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon, a local motorbike organization, rode across the Ross Island Bridge and up Marquam Hill to deliver toys for patients at Shriners Children's Portland. Nearly 1,500 toys were donated in this act of generosity.
- Friendly elves from the Adventure Aquarium made quite the splash with patient families at Shriners Children’s Philadelphia, spreading smiles and extra holiday cheer!
- The recreational therapy and child life departments at Shriners Children’s Chicago hosted a “Holiday Lights of Love Party” for patients, which included a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, arts and crafts, and festive cake pops.
- The 40th Annual Santa Parade in downtown Sacramento saw over 10,000 attendees with Shriners Children’s Northern California as its premiere sponsor. Over 160 staff members, Patient Ambassadors, family and Shriners walked in the parade, along with Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, to spread awareness of the most amazing care, anywhere.
Holiday Highlights
Excited onlookers welcome A.B.A.T.E. riders as they near Shriners Children's Portland.
Decorated trees from the Helping Hands Christmas tree farm, hosted by J + J Flooring
Friendly elves from the Adventure Aquarium at Shriners Children’s Philadelphia, spreading smiles and extra holiday cheer!
Clowns driving a decorated vehicle during the 40th Annual Santa Parade in downtown Sacramento
POPS team at Shriners Children’s Erie displaying their Christmas leg tree
Male patient during “Holiday Lights of Love Party” for patients at Shriners Children's Chicago
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