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Monthly Mugs Webinar – Pediatric Congenital Craniofacial Differences

Education through sharing our expertise is part of our mission. Join the medical professionals of Shriners Children's Twin Cities for a monthly webinar series, Monthly Mugs: Education Brewed for the Healthcare Community. These webinars are provided at no cost by Shriners Children's. Registration is required.

Join Shriners Children's February 22 to learn about pediatric congenital craniofacial differences, presented by Waleed Gibreel, M.B.B.S., pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgeon. Dr. Gibreel's primary practice is at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where he holds a position of assistant professor in surgery in the division of plastic surgery.

In this presentation, Dr. Gibreel will address:

  • Review of Diagnoses
  • Referral Timeline
  • Treatment Options
Waleed Gibreel

Waleed Gibreel, M.B.B.S., pediatric plastic and craniofacial surgeon at Shriners Children's Twin Cities