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Julie Gives Back: Girl Scout Gold Award

Julie Gives Back: Girl Scout Gold Award

Eighty hours of hard work is the icing on the cake for Julie. She’s spent an entire childhood serving her community through the Girl Scouts. Now, as a high school freshman, she’s working toward her Gold Award – the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn. Julie is a bright 14-year-old. Her sights are set on the future: a high school career that will transition into college classes and part-time employment even before that. So, to ensure she could finish with ease and still have time for everything else, it was vital Julie start working on her Gold Award project as soon as possible. “Back in middle school before I could earn this award, I knew I wanted to do something for Shriners,” Julie explained. To put it simply, her project has heart and there’s a good reason why.
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Julie: I wanted to give back, because Shriners has done so much for me. After going through three leg lengthening surgeries, my legs are finally even and I can't thank them enough for what they've done for me and I really wanted to give back, so I guess this is my way of giving back and helping other kids who are going through the same surgeries as I did.

Julie: I am writing a book about a kid with a leg length discrepancy to prepare kids for surgery. I'm also putting inspirational sayings on some of the clinic walls to help inspire them and I'm hoping to also include advice from former patients in the back of my book, so that these kids that have a little bit of advice from other people.

Julie: This team at this hospital is really amazing and any patient here is lucky to have Shriners there to help them.