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Shriners Children’s inpatient rehabilitation program provides the highest quality pediatric rehabilitative care to promote functional independence and a successful transition back to home, school and community life.

Our program is recognized for excellence in admission accessibility, timeliness of care and quality of services.

Our team of board-certified pediatric physiatrists are specially trained physicians who focus on physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R), and are skilled in treating a wide variety of medical conditions. They direct patient care in our inpatient rehabilitation units. Physical and occupational therapists have specialized training in pediatric rehabilitation. Our multidisciplinary care teams provide customized therapies and nursing care to treat conditions ranging from common to the most complex. They will focus on helping your child attain or regain functional independence as they grow and develop throughout their life.

Some locations offer an onsite wheelchair seating clinic staffed by a physical therapist and an assistive technology professional who work together to assess each child’s needs and help in selecting any appropriate assistive devices. In support of addressing all needs of the patient, we also offer child life and recreational therapy services using hobbies and sports, music therapy, or therapy in a warm-water swimming pool.

Family-centered Rehabilitation

Families are critical partners in the development and ongoing reassessment of each child’s care. Our team will work closely with you and your child every step of the way, create a customized treatment plan and method to continually assess progress toward meeting functional goals. The length of stay varies based on a patient’s individualized treatment approach.

From the first day of your child’s stay, the rehabilitation team will work closely with you. The therapy and nursing staff will be involved in daily training during your child's therapy sessions, and you will be taught skills to aid in the transition from hospital to home, making it a smoother transition for you and your child.

Specific treatments and services may vary by location. Please contact a specific location for more information.

We are so thankful for the expert care and all the support we received from Shriners Children's. It was a difficult rehabilitation process, but today Jaszelina can focus on being a kid … and also the moon and the stars.
Shawna, Jaszelina's mom, Northern California

Inpatient Pediatric Rehabilitation Conditions Treated

At our locations offering inpatient rehabilitation, comprehensive care is provided to help children recover function following an illness, injury or surgery.

The conditions we provide rehabilitation for varies by location and may include:

  • Acute amputation
  • Amputation
  • Brain injury
  • Burn injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Co-morbidities (may include tracheostomy, CPAP, Bi-PAP, or ventilator assistance in select locations)
  • Deconditioning
  • Functional effects of childhood cancer
  • Multiple trauma
  • Non-traumatic brain injury
  • Orthopedic conditions
  • Other musculoskeletal and neurological conditions
  • Peripheral nerve disorders (e.g. Guillian Barre, acute flaccid myelitis)
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Stroke
  • Transverse myelitis

Inpatient Rehabilitation Multidisciplinary Care Team

Your child will be followed by a multidisciplinary care team that may include the following specialists:

  • Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Nurse Care Managers
  • Child Life Specialists
  • Registered Dietitians
  • Hand Surgeons
  • Neurologists
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Orthotists
  • Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons
  • Pediatric Physiatrists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Plastic Surgeons
  • Prosthetists
  • Psychologists
  • Recreational Therapists
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Speech-language pathologists
  • Teachers
  • Urologists

High Quality, Patient Centered Care

Our multidisciplinary team designs each patient’s rehabilitation plan to improve mobility, daily self-care skills, language and cognitive function related to their age, development, prognosis and home environment.

Inpatient Rehabilitation Services

Coordinación de la atención

El equipo de gestión del cuidado en Shriners Children's está formado por enfermeros profesionales y trabajadores sociales que actúan como recursos para las familias a lo largo de su plan de atención.

Neuromonitorización intraoperatoria

Shriners Children's utiliza la neuromonitorización durante la cirugía de columna. Les permite a nuestros cirujanos monitorear los nervios y músculos en la parte inferior del cuerpo del niño durante la cirugía. Ayuda a los cirujanos de columna a evitar el riesgo de daño de los nervios del niño.

Análisis del movimiento

Los especialistas del Centro de análisis del movimiento de Shriners Children's recopilan y analizan información relacionada con el movimiento, como el análisis de la marcha, para tratar a los niños con trastornos neuromusculares congénitos o adquiridos.


En el Hospital Shriners para Niños utilizamos un enfoque integral para los tratamientos. Una de las formas de atender el bienestar general de su hijo es a través de la musicoterapia.

Servicios de neurología

Los médicos del Shriners Children's pueden hacer un diagnóstico temprano e indicar intervenciones y tratamientos para trastornos neurológicos, además de brindar una atención continua para los componentes neurológicos de las afecciones pediátricas.

Terapia con mascotas

El programa de terapia con mascotas de Shriners Children's proporciona otro componente a nuestra atención integral que nuestros médicos no pueden prescribir. Los perros, gatos, conejos y otros animales sociables contagian la alegría a nuestros pacientes cada día.


Los servicios de foniatría disponibles para los pacientes en Shriners Children's brindan beneficios a los niños con dificultades de deglución y comunicación desde su nacimiento hasta la adolescencia

Sillas de ruedas y movilidad

El programa del Hospital Shriners para Niños de sillas de ruedas, asientos y movilidad se trata de una clínica de sillas de ruedas personalizadas disponibles para niños que necesitan usar una. Los practicantes, técnicos y voluntarios usan herramientas como la simulación de sillas de ruedas, mapeo de las zonas de presión y ajustes prácticos.

Próximos pasos

Solicitar una cita

Las familias y los cuidadores que buscan tratamiento deben comenzar comunicándose con nosotros para programar una cita.

Iniciar sesión en el portal del paciente

Los padres y tutores de los pacientes actuales pueden enviar un correo electrónico, solicitar registros, coordinar citas y más.

Referir a un paciente

Los médicos y proveedores de atención médica pueden solicitar citas, iniciar transferencias o ponerse en contacto con nosotros si tienen preguntas.