Angela demuestra su fuerza sobre una bicicleta adaptada

Angela shows off her strength on an adaptive bike
Angela’s story is one of rehabilitation and pushing the limits of what everyone thought was possible. When she first arrived at Shriners Children’s Philadelphia in November 2021, she had already received spinal surgery at another hospital immediately after she was in a plane crash over the Poconos in Pennsylvania. It was a waiting game to let her wounds heal and to see the outcome from the surgery.
Her care at Shriners Children's Philadelphia has been rehabilitation for her spinal cord injury, focusing on muscle movement and gaining strength. Her first long term rehabilitation stay started in February of this year, and she’s had a few other stays and follow up appointments, including her most recent stay in July.
She is now strong enough to ride an adaptive bike! Her mother, Sharon, beamed while showing the video on her phone, explaining they’ve been able to track her strength through how far she gets down the road on the bike each time.
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Disertante 1:
Y anda. Aquí estamos en la línea de salida. Aquí va Angela. Niña, estaré corriendo detrás de ti. Observa hasta dónde puedes llegar. Oh, creo que esta es una mala grabación de vídeo. Anda Angela, anda. Pedalea, pedalea, pedalea. Sigue empujando. El camino se está aplanando. Sigue empujando, niña. Empuja esos pedales. Empuja fuerte, empuja fuerte, empuja fuerte. Sigue, sigue. Sigue empujando esos pedales. Trabaja duro, sigue empujando, sigue empujando, sigue empujando. Sigue, sigue, sigue, sigue, sigue. Empuja, empuja, empuja, empuja. Empuja fuerte, empuja fuerte, empuja fuerte. Empujar. Sigue empujando. Sigue empujando. Buen trabajo. Muy bien. Hemos llegado al borde del camino de tierra en la primera prueba.