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Desperate Call for Help Leads to Successful Outcome at Shriners Children’s New England

Growing up in Haiti, Thalia didn’t know anyone else with scoliosis.

Her friends had never heard of it. Thalia’s spine had a very visible curve, but it was difficult for her family to find care. She received a back brace around the age of 10 that was uncomfortable and awkwardly stuck out of her school uniform. When her symptoms became severe, Thalia’s family began searching for doctors in the United States who could help her. They arrived at Shriners Children’s New England in November 2019 when she was 12 years old. “We wrote for help and Shriners responded,” said Thalia’s dad, Mesmin. “It’s a miracle. I was desperate. I came here without insurance and not knowing anyone, and they helped us.”

Thalia was diagnosed with a very severe case of juvenile idiopathic scoliosis. If untreated, it would continue to progress and impact her heart and lungs. Doctors at Shriners Children’s New England recommended that she have spinal fusion surgery, which would realign and fuse her curved vertebrae together. Prior to this complex surgery, Thalia wore a halo gravity traction device for two months to stretch her spine and help ensure the safety and success of the procedure. “Thalia had to shave part of her hair to be fitted in the halo,” said Mesmin. “She was crying when she first saw it.”

Although Thalia remembers being lonely during her time in traction, she credits her care team at Shriners Children’s New England for helping her persevere. “It was a big transition and they really got me through it,” she said. “Every day they came with games and things to do. I had to spend Christmas in the hospital, but everyone made it so special.”

As Thalia’s surgery date drew closer, her symptoms worsened. She was experiencing pain and difficulty breathing. It was determined that Shriners Children’s Philadelphia would be the best facility for her complex surgery, which took place in February 2020. Mesmin recalled that staff kept him updated throughout the lengthy procedure, checking in every few hours.

We wrote for help and Shriners responded. It’s a miracle; I was desperate. I came here without insurance and not knowing anyone, and they helped us.
Mesmin, Thalia's dad

With the surgery behind her, Thalia faced a challenging recovery. “Spinal fusion surgery was really scary,” she explained. “Afterwards, I had to get back on my feet and learn to walk again. I started with a few steps a day.” She continued her rehabilitation at Shriners Children’s New England throughout the spring of 2020. After Thalia returned to school and began to resume normal activities, her follow-up visits became less frequent.

Now a rising high school senior, Thalia is on the track team and hopes to attend a large, four-year university after she graduates. She recently returned for her final appointment with physician assistant Adam Iwanski, PAC, who has been monitoring her condition at yearly visits. “I am fully cleared,” Thalia declared proudly. “Adam said my spine hasn’t moved at all since my surgery, so that’s great news.” If she has concerns in the future, Adam assured her he is just a phone call away.

At their final visit, Mesmin expressed his gratitude for the care Thalia received at Shriners Children’s. “I am so happy today and I want to say thank you very much to everyone at Shriners who has helped us,” he said. “There are people here doing good work, and that is what we need in this world. It’s a wonderful thing and I’m so grateful.”

paciente de sexo femenino con dispositivo de tracción con halo

Thalia is in good spirits while wearing her halo traction device during treatment at Shriners Children's New England.

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