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Masking Policy: Learn More About What to Donate and What to Expect Upon Arrival

In order to protect our staff members, our patients and their families, the Portland Shriners Hospital is implementing a masking policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. All patients, visitors, and staff members are required to wear a face mask while on the hospital premises. Upon arrival at the hospital, a cloth face mask will be offered to patients, families and staff when available. Here is more on what you can expect:

  • Patients and families: If available, you will be offered a cloth face mask when you arrive. Feel free to use this if you’d like, and take it home with you.
  • Staff: All staff members are required to wear a face mask, so you will likely encounter this during your visit. Please note that an employee wearing a face mask does not mean that they are sick. This is simply a precautionary measure! This masking policy is put in place because the health and safety of everyone in our hospital is our highest priority.

Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland, like other hospitals and health care facilities, is experiencing a limited supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure that our health care team maintains an adequate supply of PPE, we are welcoming donations of the following items:

  • Medical grade N95 (size large) masks
  • Reusable full-face shields

All PPE materials received will be thoroughly evaluated prior to being approved for our health care team’s use.

We are also accepting donations for non-medical, homemade cloth face coverings as an option for added protection offered to our patients, visitors and staff (particularly staff who are not interacting with patients). We are hoping to receive 1,000 handmade masks and will accept all handmade masks offered. However, we prefer face masks made using this pattern and a 100% cotton, tight-weave fabric.

All donated materials must be provided in a sealed plastic bag to maintain the integrity of the product. All donations should be routed through our donor development department, and they can be reached at 971-544-3338.

We appreciate any and all assistance from our community that allows us to continue providing specialized orthopaedic care to kids in a safe and clean environment!

Famille avec masque avec dessins animés

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Partagez votre histoire

Nos patients et leurs familles sont au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons dans les Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants. Nous vous invitons à nous faire part de la manière dont l’équipe des Hôpitaux Shriners a aidé votre enfant.

Faites un don aux Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants

Grâce à la générosité de donateurs comme vous, nous avons aidé plus d’un million d’enfants à mener une vie plus épanouissante, indépendamment de la capacité de paiement de leur famille.

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