BikeFit 2023

BikeFit 2023
[Shriners Children's Northern California logo]
Speaker 1:
Today is one of the most exciting days of bike fit because the kids have practiced riding, getting their bike styled in all the safety features, tweaked, and now they're out real world, real life, practicing riding, watching out for pedestrians, learning how to control their bikes on the street sidewalks, and getting ready to take their bikes home and ride out in the community starting next week.
Speaker 2:
These bikes have been custom fit to each patient based on their unique ability limitations. So bikes are customized for them to pedal with their arms. They're adjusted so they can pedal with one leg. So these bikes are given to kids who typically wouldn't be able to have own or ride a bike otherwise. So we're really excited to be able to provide this opportunity for them.
Speaker 3:
When a child enters this hospital for the first time, it's a beginning of a journey and this bike fit day here, it's just an amazing opportunity for these kids to show off their new talents, all the work that they've done. And so this is just amazing. I'm so proud to be a Shriner. They've
Speaker 4:
Worked hard to get to this place where they're able to demonstrate they can bike and navigate safely on streets, which is a great precursor for their growing home. But this means it's also a special day for the individuals who have given to make this program possible. We have individual donors who've given year in and year out to make this program happen, and we've also had a wonderful partnership with ABU that makes 50% of these bikes possible through their generosity. What the kids are able to do is really a reflection of also what the community says they want them to be able to do. These donors are an expression of that, and we can't thank them enough.
Speaker 1:
We work really closely with the SAC State PT program, a pre PT and DPT kids who want to get into the physical therapy program, and they're our volunteers and we could not do the program without them. They work one-on-one with the patients. And Sac State has been key in giving us volunteers every year.
[Shriners Children's Northern California logo]