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Chloe Travels to Shriners Children's St. Louis for Second Leg Lengthening Surgery

Chloe is 2,500 miles from her home country of St. Lucia. She last visited Shriners Children's St. Louis in 2018. Chloe is working hard to strengthen her leg ahead of a big surgery next week. Shriners Children's surgeons straightened and lengthened Chloe's left leg several years ago. However, as her body continues to grow, her legs have become uneven again. This causes her to experience a lot of pain. So, Chloe prepares for another surgery. INFO on limb lengthening program: (Thanks to the World Pediatric Project for collaborating with us to bring Chloe and others to St. Louis for lifechanging treatment.)
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Chloe: Hey, I'm Chloe. Came all the way from Saint Lucia.

Jody Barlow: She's a joy to be around. She's always very upbeat and happy. She doesn't always enjoy all of the things that we have to do, like any kid, but she makes the best of it. She's a good sport. She's a lot of fun to have around./p>

Chloe: Because they're amazing. They torture me sometimes. You heard that, Jody?/p>

Jody Barlow: Good job. Keep going. Bring your leg back towards me just a bit. So, right now, we're doing some pre-op strengthening for Chloe. She's having surgery next week on her leg to help with her lower extremity deformity in her left leg. So, she got into the country a week or so earlier than her surgery was scheduled. So, she's coming to us three days a week to work on some strengthening of her legs so she is nice and strong before she goes into surgery./p>

Chloe: Not scared, but just nervous. It's different, totally different procedure. I like the snow. It's nice. I can drink coffee, hot cocoa./p>