Robis Music Therapy Song

Robi's music therapy song at Shriners Children's Philadelphia
Becky the music therapist worked with Robi at Shriners Children's Philadelphia to help channel his thoughts and feelings into something creative. “Writing this song helped me remember that I believe God is in control,” Robi said. “It’s good to remember that he’s always there.”
Becky shared her thoughts on helping working with Robi in music therapy. “Getting to work with Robi was a true highlight in my career as a music therapist,” she said. “He was open, honest and creative when working with me to write his original song.” She noted that it was easier for him to express thoughts and feelings about a difficult subject when the goal was to create his very own song, filled with his story, struggles and triumphs.
View Transcript
Speaker 1: (singing)
Speaker 2: (singing) That's it.
Speaker 3: So good.