Juan Diego Positive Message

Positive message from Shriners Children's Boston patient Juan Diego
Juan Diego:
Hello everybody. My name is Juan Diego and I'm a patient at Boston Shriners Hospital. Today I'm going to tell you about a really difficult situation we're going through right now. And this is the coronavirus. First of all, I want to talk to the staff members. Look, each one of you made the Shriners Hospital a really wonderful place, changing every single life of every single kid who enters there. And I know that every single one of you will show out their amazing qualities of faith, hope, trustworthiness and positivity to overcome this difficult situation and protect every one of the patients. [inaudible] let's keep strong because every good thing in lives comes with patience, faith, positivity and hope. Let's keep fighting and overcome this adversity and always remember, stay safe at home and wash your hands. Sincerely, your friend, Juan Diego.