Agenesis did not stop Juan Diego's dreams

Juan Diego is an enthusiastic and outgoing guy who is excited to be able to inspire other boys of his age.

Today, at the age of 15, he shares with us some details about his life story, where his mother and family have been a fundamental pillar.

“We used to live in Hidalgo and were referred to Federico Gomez Children's Hospital, and from there they sent us to Shriners Hospital,” says Lorena, Juan Diego's mother. When he was born and we knew his diagnosis, doctors already known his condition should be treated in a specialty hospital and managed by a multidisciplinary team; and we arrived at the right place.

The Diagnosis

When Juan Diego was born, the doctors were quickly able to identify that he had a rare condition, femoral agenesis, or hypoplasia. It is a condition that is characterized by the malformation of the femur, also scoliosis problems were detected. Agenesis can occur in one or both limbs, as is the case of Juan Diego.

Since he was 14 days old, Juan Diego has been a patient at Shriners Children's Mexico, where he has gone through around 10 surgeries, including spinal surgeries, which, undoubtedly, has meant a challenge for him and his family. During his hospital stay, Juan Diego gained a lot of self‑confidence, since he is not only treated by an excellent team of doctors, but also by the Psychology Department. The success in treating patients is in charge of a multidisciplinary team which encouraged Juan Diego to seek new challenges and new experiences in life.

If I had not heard about this great hospital, no one would have known my child. Now he teaches me.
Lorraine, mother of Juan Diego

Start the Competition

It was in the sixth year of Elementary School when he received an invitation from the DIF to get closer to sports. This is how this beautiful experience begins that would give him great satisfaction. At the beginning, Juan Diego tells us that he thought it was just about exercising, which did not encourage him so much; however, as time and his preparation went by, he discovered an opportunity to compete in the discipline of track athletics. “In the first competition I couldn't believe it, but when I got my medal, everything became real,” says Juan Diego. It happened in Cancun where he won his first medals in the 100, 200 and 400 meter wheelchair track.

With great pride he tells us that his coach is also dedicated to Paralympic sports, and has represented Mexico in various competitions, bringing several medals to the country, his name is Johnatan Salinas, and he currently is in charge of Juan Diego's training.

Juan Diego has 14 medals, he is in his third year of High School and is about to take part in an international competition that will occur in Colombia in August later this year.


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