In 2021, 3-year-old Cameron and his parents, Ryan and Carie, were camping in the pristine White Mountains of New Hampshire, huddling around a lovely campfire – an activity the family enjoyed regularly. They were letting the fire die out before going to bed when Cameron suddenly walked backwards and sat down on the edge of where the fire had been burning. The pair of concerned parents rushed Cameron to the local hospital, where they learned he had sustained second- and third-degree burns on the back of both knees, his right wrist and his entire left hand.
A Connection to Shriners Children's and a Sigh of Relief
The emergency-room physician sent pictures of Cameron’s injuries to hospitals and medical centers in the area. A physician at Shriners Children’s Boston recommended that Cameron be brought in first thing the next morning, so the family quickly packed up the campsite and drove down to Boston. Robert Sheridan, M.D., director of the burn service at Shriners Children’s Boston, took on Cameron’s case. To the family’s great relief, he decided not to operate on Cameron and instead wait for the wounds to continue healing on their own. Still, Cameron required round-the-clock care and rehabilitation for his burn injuries.
Comforting Family-centered Care at Shriners Children's
“We were incredibly touched by the outpouring of generosity from the minute we walked in the door at Shriners Children’s Boston,” Ryan said. “Cam was welcomed with a beautiful handmade blanket, a stuffed animal, and more toys than he usually receives on Christmas Day! Beyond that, there were toiletries donated to Carie and me so that we could shower and take care of ourselves as well.”
We were incredibly touched by the outpouring of generosity from the minute we walked in the door at Shriners Children’s Boston.
Nurse Debbie, nurse practitioner Jillian, and physical therapist Jessica are just a few staff members the family credits with helping Cameron throughout his care journey at Shriners Children’s Boston. The family reflected on the team’s valuable guidance, thoughtfulness and compassion. Child life specialist Jackie was particularly impactful for Cameron.
“Cam is a quiet boy and likes to be focused on one person or task when he is upset,” Ryan explained. “Jackie understood this and would get Cam to focus and stay calm during a procedure by bringing the one toy he especially liked to play with. Her mild manner was a great match for Cam and that extended on after our release date and through his subsequent appointments.”
Small Gestures Make a Great Difference
Cameron was also happy to indulge in his favorite snacks during his initial stay, courtesy of the culinary staff at Shriners Children’s Boston. “Cam’s favorite thing to eat is fruit, particularly blueberries,” Ryan said. “While at Shriners [Children's], the cafeteria staff would bring us the original blueberry containers they purchased just so that Cam would have enough of his favorite treat.”
Now 4, Cameron enjoys playing in the water, riding chairlifts and watching trains. When the family isn’t traveling to and from Boston for follow-up appointments, they are often spending time together outdoors and staying active through snowshoeing, skiing, hiking and other nature-filled activities.